Recently I was given my official hard-hard hat and flourescent vest and got to see inside the classrooms. I think the teachers will be very pleased. Here are the picures of the early part of the installation. Apologies for the layout. It's my first attempt at uploading photos onto the blog.
This was pretty early on during digging the foundations. Progress seemed pretty slow at first.
Just before the Spring Break the area looked like this.
The rest of the pictures were all taken in one day so you can see how quickly everything sprung up.
This was taken at about 9am.
And this is how it's done.... comes a piece of classroom.Left a bit, right a bit.....
...down a bit, and that's that. They all fitted the foundations absolutely perfectly. Each classroom is made up of 3 or 4 of these units.
We're not sure what was happening here. We were hoping for bungee action, but were sadly disappointed.

This was progress at around midday. By the end of the day the whole classroom block was in place.

And this is one of Sophie's arty shots.
The blocks have now been handed over to the builders for final fitting. Staff get to visit them tomorrow.
The admin and toilet blocks are due in the next couple of days, so it seems everything's on target for the big move over half term. I see or speak with the builders most days. They seem to be dealing with problem after problem (insufficient electrical supplies, no potable water, problems with access that were unforseen etc. etc.) that would have me tearing my hair out, but they assure me all big projects are like this, and they still seem amazingly cheery.