Tuesday, 11 December 2007

Something from the Chair

It's time for a new voice. Here's something Henry, our Chair of Governors, copied me into recently.

"My last email set me wondering on how the headship recruitment would have gone if it was run like BSF.

Well, we would have a rigid process imposed on us, had to hold around 50 meetings on it, would have had the job description changed without informing us - just before it was sent out, The vote on who to choose would have happened while we were out of the room for a break and key
elements of our requirements would not have been communicated at all

And of course we couldn't have advertised for just a headteacher. To ensure economies of scale we would have had to advertise for a package including a headteacher, ICT support staff, cleaners and caretakers - and we would simply have had to accept the headteacher that came with the rest of the package. and have had to sign a 10 year contract before we could replace them.

what fun that would have been...."

I think that gives a good flavour of our frustrations with the process.

Meeting Count 2/11/07 - 11/12/07 Thirty (and one of those lasted five hours)

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