Wednesday, 19 March 2008

0-60 in the blink of an eye

Well my prediction that last week would be busy was correct. Last Friday at the D&B meeting someone as an aside asked whether we were ready for work to start on site this week. Mistaking this for a slightly sarcastic comment on the lack of progress I giggled weakly. Later on in the meeting I realised it was no joke. The builders really did want to start on site this week.

As it happens Wilmott Dixon's JCB's all appear to be tied up on a project down the road this week, but next Tuesday it seems there will finally be some action. This was completely unexpected because the Governing Body still haven't agreed to enter the programme. There has been some sort of agreement on who will underwrite the costs of ground works should the project not go ahead, and I know it won't be the school, so it's all systems go at our end. Basically if work doesn't start next week it puts the whole programme in jeopardy, which would cost rather more than digging and then filling back in a few trenches in the playground, and cancelling a substantial order with Portakabin.

Of course, this means it all feels very real now. This evening I went over the decant proposals with the Leadership Team. Everyone knew it was going to be tough but there were a few shocked faces. It looks as if everything works, though. The curriculum is pretty much protected, but I think it's fair to say that the non-teaching spaces will be very cosy. I'm going to e-mail the plans around to the middle management team tomorrow, and then hide under my desk for a while. I've also got the thorny issue of how to deal with reductions in staff parking to deal with. We're really fortunate in that currently anyone who wants to drive to school can park on site. This will soon end, and there are a lot of staff with a lot of compelling reasons why they should be allocated a parking spot. I am going to be so unpopular!

Meeting Count 2/11/07 - 19/03/08 Sixty-five

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