In order to get the school nearer to signing the Governing Body Agreement I have been taken off everything except for BSF, which is quite a commitment at this time of year. Documents and other paperwork are coming in thick and fast and e-mails are flying around at a rate of knots. With only four days to go until the Governing Body meeting there still seem to be a load of loose ends, so who knows what will happen.
Anyway, far more fascinating than contractual documentation are some pictures taken by the lovely (and much neglected by me) Sophie, including our temporary accommodation. I've also included a couple she took of the move, although that was a few weeks ago now. Note the vast improvement in my photo upload skills.

This wasn't even the end of the day. We completely ran out of skip space.
This actually looks pretty orderly. Amazingly almost everything got from a to b in one piece. As I said we had a great removal company, although I understand Clapton were very happy with theirs too.
This was the third delivery of crates. We needed a lot.
Arty view of the main admin block.
The generators (and the Head).
One of the temporary classrooms.
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